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Jamstack ecosystem is every growing we are bringing you the best things around GatsbyJS, Strapi and Evolution of Jamstack that happened, in our first newsletter. Check it out 👇

Gatsby Blog Theme 2.0 is out 🎉

A new and improved blog theme, Adds amazing new features such as Image support with ALT tag, Improved SEO, Webfont configuration, Line Highlighting in code snippets not just that. Now you can customize the theme easily thanks to Theme UI presets. If you are planning to launch a website or just want to take it for a spin. Run following command in your terminal.

gatsby new my-blog https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog-theme-core

Create food ordering app with Strapi and Next.js

In this 7 part series you will learn how to setup a Strapi and Consume API into Next.js app to build a Food Ordering App. If you have been wondering, how to get started into Jamstack ecosytem? this is for you.

Learn Harper Reed made the Jamstack work in Obama campaign

The term Jamstack may be new, but the best practices were around for a longtime. Learn all about the discovery of Jamstack as methodology in Harper Reed's experiance as CTO of Obama for America in 2012.

Stackrole Updates

Last week we have added 3 new Jamstack starters and we think Gatsby Starter London is best of them. If you have been wanting a new blog with combination of easy to use CMS and Stunning design. This will be a perfect fit for you 😊

London built with GatsbyJS and Netlfiy CMS, bundles with blog, tag support, image gallary, portfolio. Launch your website in just couple of clicks.

Gatsby Starter London on Stackrole

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